
How to run the program:

Using the command line parameters:


Simply run MinecraftClient.exe


On Windows it's best using Windows Terminalopen in new window for the best experience and looks. Some features like emojis in the /chunk command do not work in CMD or Powershell 5

Linux, macOS

To run the client you need to type the following command in your terminal emulator:


If you want to keep it running in the background you can use screen (Linux only)


# Start the screen
screen -S mcc

# Run it

# Detach from the screen by pressing CTRL + A + D

# Re-attach if you want to have accces again
screen -r mcc

Learn more on how to use the screen command: YouTubeopen in new window


See Run using Docker

Command-line usage

Minecraft Console Client has a plethora of useful command line parameters, here you can learn about them.

For people not familiar with the command line

For people who are not familiar with the usage of programs in the command line (terminal emulators), here we will explain what every single thing means, if you're already experienced you can skip this.

In command line (terminal emulators) you can run programs by specifying their name and hitting enter, usually programs have additional way of being configured, started or provided some additional data in a different manner, this is achieved by using command line parameters.

Command line parameters are written after the name of the program, they're separated by spaces and they can have a few different formats, examples:

  • someparameter
  • -some-parameter
  • --some-other-parameter
  • --some-setting="some value"
  • -a=5

Parameters with a single dash (-) are usually used for a single letter (short-hand) parameters, while the ones with a double dash (--) are being used for parameters with a longer/full name.

When you are reading examples, you will often see something like this: <something here>, this means that this is a place holder and it should be changed with some value, excluding the < and the >.

For example <username> you need to change to an username of your liking, example: notch (< and > should not be included).

[ and ] mean that a parameter is an optional one.

They also can hold some values, example from the MCC:

MinecraftClient.exe --debugmessages=false

When a parameter has a textual value that includes one more spaces, you will need to wrap it the value in double quotes ("), example: --some-parameter="some text here with spaces in it"

Here is an example for using a --help command line parameter for MCC that will print out a page on how to use MCC from the command line:

MinecraftClient.exe --help

Quick usage of MCC with examples


On Linux and macOS, you need to type: ./MinecraftClient instead of MinecraftClient.exe

MinecraftClient.exe --help
MinecraftClient.exe <username> <password> <server>
MinecraftClient.exe --setting=value [--other settings]
MinecraftClient.exe --section.setting=value [--other settings]
MinecraftClient.exe <settings-file.ini> [--other settings]


# Logging in as a user: notch, with a password: password123 onto a server with the ip:
MinecraftClient.exe notch password123

# Overriding a setting from MinecraftClient.ini using a command line parameter
MinecraftClient.exe --debugmessages=false

# Providing a custom settings ini file and overriding a language to Chinese
MinecraftClient.exe CustomSettingsFile.ini --language=zh

Rules of using the command line parameters

You can mix and match arguments by following theses rules:

  • First positional argument may be either the login or a settings file
  • Other positional arguments are read in order: login, password, server, command
  • Arguments starting with -- can be in any order and position

Examples and further explanations:

MinecraftClient.exe <login> <password> <server>
  • This will automatically connect you to the chosen server.
  • You may omit password and/or server to specify e.g. only the login
  • To specify a server but ask password interactively, use "" as password.
  • To specify offline mode with no password, use - as password.
MinecraftClient.exe <login> <password> <server> "/mycommand"
  • This will automatically send /mycommand to the server and close.
  • To send several commands and/or stay connected, use the 1ScriptScheduler1 bot instead.
MinecraftClient.exe <myconfig.ini>
  • This will load the specified configuration file
  • If the file contains login / password / server ip, it will automatically connect.
MinecraftClient.exe --setting=value [--other settings]
  • Specify settings on the command-line, see possible value in the configuration file
  • Use --section.setting=value for settings outside the [Main] section
  • Example: --antiafk.enabled=true for enabling the AntiAFK bot
MinecraftClient.exe <myconfig.ini> <login> <password> <server> [--other settings]
  • Load the specified configuration file and override some settings from the file

Internal Commands

These commands can be performed from the chat prompt, scripts or remote control.

From chat prompt, commands must by default be prepended with a slash, eg. /quit.

In scripts and remote control, no slash is needed to perform the command, eg. quit.


Some commands may not be documented yet or are defined in description of Chat Bots, use /help to list them all, or you can contribute to this page.


  • Description:

    Swing your main or off hand.

  • Usage:

    /animation <mainhand|offhand>


  • Description:

    Allows you to make the bot sleep easily, all about sleeping in one command.

  • Usage:

    Basic usage: bed leave|sleep <x> <y> <z>|sleep <radius>

  • Examples:

    Leave a bed:

    /bed leave

    Sleep in a bed on 124 84 76:

    /bed sleep 124 84 76

    Sleep in a bed using relative coordinates:

    /bed sleep ~ ~ ~-2

    Automatically find a bed in radius of 50 blocks and sleep in it:

    /bed sleep 50



You need to have Terrain And Movements enabled in order for this to work.

  • Description:

    Reports the block type at the given position.

    If you use the -s option it will report the types of blocks around the targeted blokcs.

  • Usage:

    Basic usage:

    /blockinfo <x> <y> <z> [-s]


  • Description:

    Allows you to list and unload a specific bot or all bots.

    Useful when debugging and developing scripts.

  • Usage:

    /bots <list|unload <bot name|all>>
  • Examples:

    Unload a bot called CustomScript

    /bots unload CustomScript

    Unload all bots

    /bots unload all


  • Description:

    Change your selected slot in the hotbar.


    You need to have Inventory Handling enabled in order for this to work.

  • Usage:

    /changeslot <1-9>


  • Description:

    Displays the chunk loading status in a nice way.


    To use this feature you need to enable the Terrain and Movements


    You need a terminal with emoji support, like Powershell 7, Windows Terminal or Alacritty, if you do not want emoji support and want to use cmd or powershell 5, disable emojis with: enableemoji

  • Usage:

    /chunk status [chunkX chunkZ|locationX locationY locationZ]

    How it looks:

    Chunk status


  • Description:

    Dig a block on a specific coordinate.

  • Usage:

    /dig <x> <y> <z>
  • Example:

    /dig 127 63 12

    Using relative coordinates:

    /dig ~ ~-1 ~2


  • Description:

    Drop all items of a specific type from your inventory.


    You need to have Inventory Handling enabled in order for this to work.

  • Usage:

    /dropitem <itemtype>


    All item types can be found hereopen in new window.

  • Example:

    /dropitem diamond



You need to have Inventory Handling enabled in order for this to work.

  • Description:

    Allows you to enchant items in an enchanting table.

    You need to first open an enchanting table and then place and item that you want to enchant and lapis in the enchanting table, and then you can execute the command.

    To open an enchanting table you can use the useblock command.

  • Usage:

    Basic usage:

    /enchant <top|middle|bottom>


  • Description:

    Attack an entity, use an entity or get a list of entities around you.


    You need to have Inventory Handling and Entity Handling enabled in order for this to work.

  • Usage:

    Basic usage:

    /entity <id|entitytype> <attack|use>

    Get a list of entities around you:



    All entity types can be found hereopen in new window.

  • Examples:

    Attack a Zombie:

    /entity Zombie attack


  • Description:

    Allows you to execute a command if a specific condition is met.

    The condition is a C# expression and the local variables you set using set, setrnd or the configuration file can be used.

    The condition is always returned as a boolean, so only comparison can be done, if needed cast the expression result to bool.

    Also the instance of MCC is available with MCC..


    All local variables are treated as strings in the app, when comparing their values, you can use <variable> == "<value>", or better use .Equalsopen in new window method

  • Usage:

    Basic usage: /execif <condition (C# expression)> <command>

  • Examples:

    Setting a variable and using it:

    /set test=Something
    /execif 'test == "Something"' "send Success!"


    You can use single quote (') to wrap your expression if the expression contains double quote (")

    Adding back-slash (\) before the double quote will also work (/execif "test == \"Something\"" "send Success!")

    /set test2=1
    /execif 'test2 == "1"' "send Success 2!"

    Basic C# expression:

    /execif "1 + 2 + 3 == 6" "send Success!"

    Using MCC class:

    /execif "MCC.GetHealth() == 20.0" "send Success!"

    Using in combination with execmulti:

    /execif "1 == 1" "execmulti send 1 -> send 2 -> send 3"


  • Description:

    Allows you to execute multiple commands in succession on a single line, useful for debugging or when using execif

    Commands are separated by ->

  • Usage:

    Basic usage: execmulti <command 1> -> <command 2> -> <command 3> -> ...

  • Examples:

    /execmulti send 1 -> send 2 -> send 3 -> sneak


  • Alias: exit

  • Description:

    Disconnect from the server and close the application


  • Description:

    Disconnect and reconnect to the server

  • Usage:

    /reco [account]


    [account] is an account alias defined in accounts file, for more info check out accountlist


  • Description:

    Reloads settings from MinecraftClient.ini and Chat Bots.


    Some settings won't be reloaded since they are used before the client initialization. Also, settings provided by the command line paramteres will be overriden. This also does not reload the ReplayBot due to technical limitations.

  • Usage:



  • Description:

    Go to the given server and resume the script

  • Usage:

    /connect <server> [account]


    <server> is either a server IP or a server alias defined in servers file, for more info check out serverlist


    [account] is an account alias defined in accounts file, for more info check out accountlist


  • Description:

    Run a script containing a list of commands

  • Usage:

    /script <script name>


  • Description:

    Send a message or a command to the server

  • Usage:

    /send <text>


  • Description:

    Use this to respawn if you are dead (like clicking "respawn" in-game)

  • Usage:



  • Description:

    Display some text in the console (useful for scripts)

  • Usage:

    /log <text>
  • Example:

    /log this is some text


  • Description:

    List players logged in to the server (uses tab list info sent by server)

  • Usage:



  • Description:

    Set a value which can be used as %variable% in further commands

  • Usage:

    /set <variable>=<value>
  • Examples:

    /set abc=123


  • Description:

    Set a %variable% randomly to one of the provided values

  • Usage:

    /setrnd <variable> string1 "\"string2\" string3"
  • Examples:

    /setrnd <variable> -7 to 10

    (Set a %variable% to a number from -7 to 10)


  • Description:

    Toggle sneaking.

  • Usage:



  • Description:

    Get the server TPS (Ticks Per Second).

  • Usage:



  • Description:

    Use item in the hand, this can be used to do a right click on items which open menus on servers.


    You need to have Inventory Handling enabled in order for this to work.


    The Inventory Handling is currently not supported in 1.4.6 - 1.9

  • Usage:



  • Description:

    Place a block from a hand on a specific coordinate or open an inventory:

    • chest/trap chest
    • furnace
    • brewing stand
    • dispenser/dropper
    • hopper
    • shulker
    • loom


    You need to have Inventory Handling and Terrain and Movements enabled in order for this to work.


    Not all inventories have a GUI representation in an ASCII art format.


    The Inventory Handling is currently not supported in 1.4.6 - 1.9.

  • Usage:

    /useblock <x> <y> <z>
  • Example:

    /useblock 43 72 7


  • Description:

    Make the bot follow a player.


    This command is avaliable only with Follow Player Chat Bot enabled.


    You need to have Inventory Handling enabled in order for this to work.


    You need to have Enity Handling enabled in order for this to work.

  • Usage:

    /follow <player name|stop>
  • Example:

    /follow milutinke


  • Description:

    Wait X ticks (10 ticks = ~1 second. Only for scripts)

  • Usage:

    Fixed time:

    /wait <time>

    Random time:

    /wait <minimum time> to <maximum time>


    You can use - instead of to

  • Examples:

    /wait 20
    /wait 20 to 100
    /wait 20-35


  • Description:

    Used for moving when terrain and movements feature is enabled.


    You need to have Terrain and Movements enabled in order for this to work.


    The Terrain and Movements is currently not supported in 1.4.6 - 1.6.

  • Usage:

    /move <on|off|get|up|down|east|west|north|south|center|x y z|gravity [on|off]> [-f]: walk or start walking. "-f": force unsafe movements like falling or touching fire
  • Examples:

    Enable gravity

    /move gravity on

    Move to coordinates:

    /move 125 72 34

    Move to a center of a block:

    /move center


  • Description:

    This command allows you to name an item when you have an Anvil inventory open and an item in the first slot (slot number 0),

    After you place an item in the first slot of the anvil, use this command, and then do a click on the slot 2 to get an item from the anvil, then do a click on an empty slot in your inventory.

  • Usage:

    /nameitem <name of the item>
  • Example:

    /nameitem My super duper sword 2000
  • Full Example with anvil:

    # Open an anvil
    /useblock 12 74 321
    # Click on an axe in slot 12
    /inventory container click 12
    # Put an axe to the slot 0 in anvil
    /inventory container click 0
    # Set the new name
    /nameitem My fancy axe
    # Click on the axe in slot 2 in the anvil
    /inventory container click 2
    # Put the axe back in your inventory in slot 12
    /inventory container click 12
    # Close the anvil
    /inventory container close


  • Description:

    Used for looking at direction when terrain and movements is enabled

  • Usage:

    /look <x y z|yaw pitch|up|down|east|west|north|south>
  • Examples:

    /look up
    /look east


  • Description:

    Used for inventory manipulation.


    You need to have Inventory Handling enabled in order for this to work.


    The Inventory Handling is currently not supported in 1.4.6 - 1.9.

    MCC defines inventories as containers internally, so player's inventory, chests, droppers, dispensers, hoppers, chest minecarts, barrels, furnaces, etc... are all considered a container, and each one of them has it's ID, the words container and inventory can be used interchangeably.

    Inventory has slots and each one of them has an id.


    This command DOES NOT physically open a container (eg. chest), for that you need to use useblock command first.

    An example of player inventory with annotated IDs in ASCII art and a list of items:

    Player Inventory

  • Usage:

    Basic usage:

    /inventory <player|container|<id>> <action> [action parameters] | /inventory <inventories/i> | /inventory <search/s> <item type> [amount]


    player and container can be simplified with p and c accordingly


    • click
    • drop

    Show/Preview items in an inventory:

    /inventory <player|id>

    Click/Shift-Click on an item in an inventory:

    /inventory <player|container|<id>> <click> <slot id> [left|right|middle|Shift|ShiftRight]


    The default click is left click

    Close an inventory:

    /inventory <player|container|<id>> close

    Drop item(s) from an inventory:

    /inventory <player|id> drop <slot id> <number of items|all>


    To drop all items from a slot, you can use: all

    Give an item to the player inventory from a creative menu when in the creative mode:

    /inventory creativegive <slot id> <item type> <amount>


    To find item types, check out this listopen in new window

    Delete an item from a player's inventory when in the creative mode:

    /inventory creativedelete <slot id>

    Show all available inventories:

    /inventory inventories

    Search for an item of specified type in available inventories:

    /inventory search <item type>
  • Examples:

    Show player's inventory:

    /inventory player

    Show/Preview items in an inventory using an id:

    /inventory 3

    Click on an item in player's inventory in slot number/id 36:

    /inventory player click 36

    Right-Click on an item in slot number/id 4 in an inventory with an id 2:

    /inventory 2 click 4 right

    Close an inventory with an id 2:

    /inventory 2 close

    Drop a single item from a player's inventory in slot number/id 36:

    /inventory player drop 36 1

    Drop all items from a player's inventory in slot number/id 37:

    /inventory player drop 37 all

    Give an item to the player inventory from a creative menu when in the creative mode:

    /inventory creativegive 36 diamondblock 64


    To find item types, check out this listopen in new window

    Delete an item from a player's inventory in slot number/id 36 when in the creative mode:

    /inventory creativedelete 36

    Search for 10 Slime Blocks in available inventories:

    /inventory s SlimeBlock 10


  • Description:

    Toggle debug messages, useful for chatbot developers.


  • Description:

    Show commands help.


    Use "/send /help" for server help